As an independent contractor, you need liability protection against damage that you could potentially — and unintentionally — cause as you work. This includes damage caused by hazardous waste, and contractors who work in the oil, agribusiness, excavation and asbestos abatement industries are at special risk. The Contractor’s Pollution Liability policy protects you against any claims of bodily injury, property damage or damage from toxic waste contamination. Such a policy also pays any clean-up costs.
If you are a contractor working in one of these industries, you may be asked to provide proof of coverage before you can even begin a job. Not only will buying a Contractor’s Pollution Liability Insurance policy enable you to begin work, but it will also protect your interests from third-party lawsuits involving injuries or property damage from toxic waste clean-up. Here are a few examples of contractors who may need a pollution liability policy:
- Street and Road Contractors
- Concrete Contractors
- General Contractors
- Painters
- Plumbing, HVAC and Electrical Contractors
- Electrical
- Demolition
- Transportation pollution (salt, brine, mud, frack water, etc.)
As an independent contractor, projects that involve the handling of hazardous materials or pollutants could include anything from construction sites to manufacturing facilities. Even if you take every precaution to prevent any harm, accidents can still happen. Pollution liability protection insurance is designed specifically for situations like this; it covers costs related to cleanup and remediation efforts as well as any lawsuits or settlements resulting from pollution incidents. The risks associated with environmental damage are too great to ignore, which is why independent contractors need to consider adding pollution liability protection insurance to their overall risk management strategy in order to protect themselves and their clients from the potentially devastating consequences that can arise from unintentional environmental damage or contamination caused by their actions or omissions while performing services for others.
Remember that pollution from toxic waste is not always apparent. Property inspections can often miss underlying hazardous waste exposure. The hazardous waste may not be discovered for many years after a property is purchased. To cover your liability and financial interests as a contractor working at an industrial site, pollution liability insurance is an important protection to have.
C&S Specialty Underwriters, LLC offers Pollution Liability Insurance to contractors with revenues of $10 million and under, with primary coverage limits up to $11 million per occurrence. Our Contractor’s Pollution Liability policy includes coverage for fire and water restoration, mold remediation, emergency response and hazardous material remediation, carpet and upholstery cleaning, lead, asbestos and PCB remediation and more.
We invite you to give us a call at 855-390-7598 to find out more about Contractor’s Pollution Liability Insurance. Or visit our website for more information about all of our insurance products here: