Environmental insurance isn’t just for contractors who work with hazardous waste. Virtually any type of construction activity has the potential for resulting in a costly environmental incident. Contractors Pollution
Liability (CPL) is a vital coverage that can help protect any type of contractor from financial disaster. Yet many general contractors, painters, plumbers, electricians and other contracting professionals don’t realize they need it.
Some contractors are contractually required to purchase CPL coverage as part of working on an individual construction project. Even those contractors that aren’t required to purchase CPL should consider purchasing it as part of a basic asset protection/risk management plan. One environmental incident can easily wipe out a general contractor or subcontractor.
Our Contractors Pollution Liability coverage is offered on an occurrence or claims made policy form providing pollution coverage for bodily injury, property damage and cleanup costs arising from operations of the policyholder. This form also provides transportation pollution liability, waiver of subrogation and defense costs outside policy limits. Perhaps even more important, fungi, microbial matter and mold are included in the policy’s definition of pollutants. Not all environmental coverage is created equal — it’s important to make sure that all three of those health threats are included in any CPL policy. The only thing worse than being uninsured for environmental risks is being underinsured.
We make it easy to get the coverage you need to protect any type of contracting business. Environmental insurance may be complicated, but getting the coverage you need from C&S Specialty Underwriters is simple. Questions? Give us a call.